Tic Toc

It is a very exciting time!  Plants are growing, more seeds go in the ground each day.  The league is preparing for our Sunday, July 6th start day.  Our team at
Nanabush Food Forests has some really wonderful low sugar fruit preserves that we will be bringing, and likely some early vegetables as well.
We have heard through the grape vine (figuratively, and because we have many grapes growing on the plot, literally), that the following farms will also be participating this year:
Barefoot Gardens
C & L Gardens
Ekoroot Farm
Goddard Id Farm
Herbivor Farm
Nanabush Food Forests
Tiller’s Haven
Twig’s Nursery
Van Vliet Horticulture
The Wild Garden

All of the teams are members of Savour Ottawa.  For more information, please take the time to check out their websites or go to the Just Food’s Meet the Farmers page for a nice synopsis.