First Farm Stand of 2014

Thanks to all the folks who came out to support us today at the road side stand at 2389 Pepin Court.  Personally I picked up a beautiful year old white mulberry tree, and some gorgeous broccoli and beets.  I can’t wait until next sale day to see what all the participating farms will have on offer!

Also, something to look forward to towards the end of August or first part of September, are some special theme days, a mini-garlic festival, and an heirloom tomato tasting day.  Can’t wait!

Spotlight on Twigs Nursery

We are fortunate to have Twigs Nursery participating in the farm stand this year.  Twigs Nursery has native potted trees and shrubs available for sale at the farm stand, including:  sugar maple, beaked hazel, highbush cranberry, wild grape, staghorn sumac, rock elm, speckled alder, northern hackberry, paper birch, eastern cottonwood, red oak, bur oak, white pine, white spruce, and white mulberry (non-native but acclimatized).  Prices range from $8 to $20 depending on rarity of species, development stage and pot size (root mass and age).  Ages of plants are from spring seedlings to 3 years.  All are sufficiently established to survive out-planting in late summer.

For further information:

Easing into July

As it has been another late start this year, we will be easing into the roadside sales… after talking to many of the farmers, it looks like most will start selling produce on July 27th (delayed from the original projected date of July 6th).

Prior to that, there may be limited sales of such items as garlic scapes and greens.  Keep an eye out for us at 2389 Pepin Court.